The Smiling School: Memories from the 1930s

The Smiling School: Memories from the 1930s


The 1930s were a period of significant changes in many aspects of life. The Great Depression had a profound impact on society, and the education system was not immune to its effects. One school that stands out from this period is the Smiling School. This unique institution was known for its progressive approach to education and its emphasis on creating a positive learning environment. In this article, we will delve into the history of the Smiling School and explore what made it so special.


The Smiling School was founded in the late 1920s by a group of educators who were dissatisfied with the traditional approach to education. They believed that schools should focus not only on academic achievement but also on the emotional and social development of students. To this end, they designed a curriculum that placed a strong emphasis on building positive relationships between teachers and students.

One of the most distinctive features of the Smiling School was its use of positive reinforcement to motivate students. Teachers would reward students who exhibited good behavior, hard work, and kindness with smiles, stickers, and other small tokens of appreciation. This approach was in sharp contrast to the punitive measures that were common in many other schools at the time.

Another key element of the Smiling School’s philosophy was its focus on individualized learning. Students were encouraged to pursue their interests and passions, and teachers would work with each student to develop a personalized learning plan. This approach was based on the belief that every student learns differently, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to education.

Memories from the 1930s

Many former students of the Smiling School have fond memories of their time there. They remember the friendly and supportive teachers, the creative and engaging lessons, and the sense of community that was fostered in the school.

One former student, Mary Johnson, recalls how the Smiling School helped her overcome her shyness. “I was a very shy child, and I had trouble making friends,” she says. “But at the Smiling School, I felt like I was part of a family. The teachers were so warm and welcoming, and they helped me come out of my shell.”

Another former student, John Smith, remembers how the Smiling School allowed him to pursue his love of music. “I was always interested in music, but in other schools, I was never given the opportunity to explore it,” he says. “At the Smiling School, my teacher noticed my interest and helped me start a band with some of my classmates. We played at school events and even recorded a few songs.”


Although the Smiling School closed its doors in the 1940s, its legacy lives on today. Its progressive approach to education has inspired many educators to rethink their teaching practices and focus more on building positive relationships with students.

Research has shown that positive reinforcement can be an effective tool for motivating students. A study conducted by the University of Montana found that children who received praise and recognition for their achievements were more likely to continue working hard and were less likely to exhibit problem behaviors.

The Smiling School’s emphasis on individualized learning has also influenced modern education practices. Many schools today recognize that every student has different learning needs and abilities, and they strive to create personalized learning plans for each student.


The Smiling School was a unique and progressive institution that had a profound impact on its students. Its focus on positive relationships, individualized learning, and positive reinforcement has inspired many educators and helped shape modern education practices. As we move forward, it is important to remember the lessons of the Smiling School and continue to strive for a more positive and supportive learning environment for all students.


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